Thursday, July 23, 2015

Final Countdown for School to Begin!

There is nothing like the first day of school! Maybe not so much for the kids, but for the stay at home mom. The one who gets to finally have a few hours of peace. To maybe catch up on the chores or watch her favorite TV show without commotion.

I long for it. I am counting down the days for it. Does that make me a bad mom? I kind of feel a little bad. I love the boys. But those few moments of peace are everything!

During Summer Break, I cant even go to the store without text messages and phone calls of "Where are you at?", "Can you bring food home?", "Do you know where such and such is?" It is mind blowing that I cant go to the store some days without the peace.

But then you look at the fact that there are only a few days left and you have yet to get the eye exam you wanted to. Or dental appointment and cleaning scheduled. That the eight weeks of Summer Break went by and you took care of none of those things. So the mad rush begins. Look for School Clothes, Shoes, School Supplies, Backpack. Schedule last minute appointments. Then in a instant it is gone. You are left with a 7am drop-off at school.

The moment you waited for all Summer.......

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