Friday, December 30, 2016

When you are just ready for the New Year to Begin

Can we just say goodbye to 2016! 

Has this been the year that you may aged a little from? I know I have a few extra grey hairs this year, and I don't think I can attribute it just to be 42 now.

From the drama of a ridiculous election, to the loss of friends that may or may not have asked who you voted for before unfriending you. This was a tough one for sure! I mean the biggest problem was lack of real communication, lets face it.  We had fake news, we had real news and we had opinions beyond anything I have seen. I mean, everyone had an opinion, but you had to be careful how you expressed it.

To the godly amount of talent we lost. Just seems like there was more than any other year this year. Don't these things come in 3's? I thought Celebrity Deaths always came in 3's. You would wait to see who the third one was going to be. But no, December wasn't going to play by those rules apparently. We lost some great ones this year, some shocking ones for sure. I am still in shock on a few.

To the sad reality of Flint Michigan still not having clean water and DAPL being on the backburner for many to see what will actually happen. The Syrians are still in a sad state and now we are poking the bear and putting sanctions on Russia.

It has been a Shitty and I mean Shitty Year!

I had some serious stresses and losses this year. My stepdad that raised me, was finally out of his misery of 9 years suffering from COPD. That one is still hard. Christmas just wasn't the same. Not that I spend Holidays back home. But I would always get a smoked ham from my parents and this years store bought ham just wasn't the same. But he is watching over me somewhere, still shaking his head and laughing at some of the dumb shit I do.

I have seen more violence on the news this year than I can remember, and even attended a funeral for a young man killed by street violence. So yeah, definitely heartbreaking crappy year.

 I watched people come and go in and out of my life this year, and even forgave more than I intended to with my stubborn Taurus heart. I also learned to not trust as much, if that isn't another reason to be a shitty year.

So as I look forward to 2017, I turn back to 2016 with a high handed middle finger and say GOODBYE. Thank you for the lessons and reality checks you gave me. Thank you for teaching me who my real friends are, and who decided to be there for me or show they really weren't my friend.
Thank you for teaching me that I can leave my 5 years of being a Coupon Blogger, and find myself again. Thank you for helping me find my voice again.

All so I can pledge some unreal New Years Resolutions, to most likely break in the first 5 days of 2017 and continue to be the smartass, foul mouthed, soccer mom that I am!

May your New Years be great and safe!


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